Customs clearance Glossary - FEA Units of measurement used in TN VED


Name of the unit of measurement Symbol Unit codes
Kilogram kg 166
Gram G 163
Gram of fissile isotopes g D/I 306
Load capacity in tons t hydraulic fracturing 185
Square meter m2 055
Kilogram of nitrogen kg N 861
Kilogram of potassium hydroxide kg KOH 859
Kilogram of sodium hydroxide kg NaOH 863
Kilogram of potassium oxide kg K2O 852
Килограмм пероксида водорода kg H2O2 841
kilogram of phosphorus pentoxide kg P2O5 865
Килограмм сухого на 90% вещества kg 90% w/w 845
Kilogram of uranium kg U 867
Cubic meter m3 113
Curie CI 305
Liter l 112
Liter of pure (100%) alcohol l 100% alcohol 831
Meter m 006
Метрический карат (1 карат = 2·10-4 кг) car 162
Pair steam 715
One hundred pieces 100 pieces 797
thousand pieces 1000 pcs 798
Thing PCS 796
1000 kilowatt-hour 1000 kWh 246
1000 cubic meters 1000 m3 114
1000 liters 1000 l 130

Central Bank exchange rates for 28.04.2024
1 U.S. dollar 91.7791 -0.2343
1 Euro 98.0270 -0.6917
1 CNY 12.5657 -0.069
100 Japanese yen 58.9726 -0.1506